Discipleship Webinar Series

Many pastors and churches struggle to identify the key steps in the disciple-making process. Without a clearly defined path, implementation becomes difficult and spiritual growth can stall. 

Dr. Randy Wollf has developed a strategic pathway for discipleship that incorporates 11 essential elements. MinistryLift's webinar series explains these elements in greater detail and will help you apply them to your ministry context. Each webinar will begin at 9:00 a.m. (PDT) and last for approximately 30-40 minutes. The webinar will begin with a 15-20 minute presentation on the given topic followed by a moderated discussion (the schedule and dates are below). 

Each webinar is free of charge to current MinistryLift members (follow this link to log into your account and register).

Non-members can register individually for $10 or as a group for a discounted rate (follow this link). Or, you can register to become a member and then sign up for the webinars for free by using the member registration page. 

May 10  
Prayer permeates disciple-making churches. How can we grow a culture of prayer—a culture in which God delights to work deeply in peoples’ lives?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

May 31
Discipleship occurs best in deep communities where people lovingly practice life-on-life discipleship. What can leaders do to develop this kind of closeness and trust in their community?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

June 21 
Growth becomes normative and expected when everything in the church is geared toward helping people take next steps. Discipleship can flourish in this kind of growth-oriented environment, but several ingredients are needed in order for it to happen.                                                                         

August 2  
Programs can provide a context for discipleship to occur, but we must strive to come alongside individuals and help them take next steps. A personalized approach to discipleship is a requirement for in-depth discipleship and developing a structure of accountability is a key component.                   

August 23 
Without a strong desire to reach lost people, churches are unlikely to have the passion and motivation that's needed to devote a significant amount of time and energy to making disciples. A main goal of making disciples is to make more disciples.                                                                        

September 13 
Good sermons can help people know and follow Jesus. We need strong biblical teaching that exposes people to the whole counsel of God and motivates them to greater depths of obedience. 


September 27 
In their book, Small Groups Big Impact, Jim Egli and Dwight Marable share their research findings from interactions with 2,000 small group leaders (see Strategies for Growing Your Small Group for a summary). These kinds of robust small groups are effective in making disciples. Register here.

October 11 
The importance of spiritual disciplines like prayer and meditating on Scripture are widely understood. But church leaders rarely explain how to engage in these activities or share the impact these practices have in their personal lives. Register here.


Discipleship Webinar Series Presenter 

Randy Wollf picture


Randy Wollf
, PhD, is Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Leadership Studies at MB Seminary and Director of MinistryLift. Randy served as a pastor, church planter, and missionary for 20 years prior to his current position. Randy and his wife Lore have 4 children and they live in Langley, BC.