Light in the Darkness

Shining the Light of Christ to the World Around Us

  • 23 December 2014
  • Randy Wollf

Advent candlesThe familiar words pierced the darkness.

Hallelujah! For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

They reminded us of the One who reigns, even in dark places.

The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.

Our hearts rejoiced in the Light.

King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. HALLELUJAH!

Never had the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah been so inspiring and meaningful as it was that night. It was December 2009 and we had been serving in Thailand for four months. We remembered again that God had called us to Thailand to shine Christ into the dark corners of that land and into the darkest recesses of peoples’ hearts.

We will soon celebrate, in a special way, Jesus’ coming. Jesus, the light of the world, came to dispel darkness. How can we shine the light of Christ to those who do not yet know Jesus this Christmas season? Here are several ideas:

  • Host or attend a neighborhood party and look for opportunities to build relationships
  • Give gifts to your neighbours
  • Serve the needy in your community
  • Have people over to watch The Nativity movie
  • Invite friends to a Christmas Eve service
  • Decorate your home with meaningful Christmas decorations that point to Christ
  • Be friendly in long line-ups and crowded parking lots
  • Purchase gifts like animals and water filters for needy people in developing countries

Of course, there are many ways to shine the light of Christ to others. I would love to hear what you do around Christmas to make Christ known (please leave a comment below).