Dr. Dave Currie's Timely Gift of a Book

  • 17 June 2013
  • Randy Wollf

Man of Vision book coverI grew up in Caronport, Saskatchewan. One of my neighbors was Dr. Dave Currie (he was a prof at Briercrest Bible College at the time; he is now Director of Doing Family Right). One night, he dropped by our house with a book in his hand.  As a young adult, I had recommitted my life to the Lord and was beginning to serve God in various ministries. Dave said that he thought everyone moving into vocational ministry should read the book he gave me that night.

The book, now called Man of Vision, chronicles  the life of Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision and the person who helped Samaritan's Purse get off the ground. In the book, Marilee Pierce Dunker, Pierce’s daughter, describes a man deeply committed to God and His work with the poor and destitute around the world. Yet, somehow, Pierce lost sight of his family. He and his wife separated and one of Pierce’s daughters committed suicide. Late in life, Pierce realized some of the errors of his ways and was reconciled to his wife. It was too late to do so with his daughter.

Reading this triumphant and tragic story as a young man had a profound influence on my life and leadership. It made me poignantly aware that leadership starts with myself and in the home. Nothing else matters if I’m not a good leader with those closest to me.

Note: You can read a short, Christianity Today article, “Imperfect Instrument,” about Bob Pierce's life.